What versions of Ubuntu Linux are supported by qulu ?

The qulu Media Server (v3.0 or later) is supported on Ubuntu Linux v14.04 LTS or later LTS versions. 

The qulu Media Server (v2.6 or earlier) is supported on Ubuntu Linux v14.04 LTS only. 

Make sure you are using a supported version of Ubuntu before you begin the installation process below. 

To Install qulu Media Server on Ubuntu

Ubuntu Linux users will need to use console commands to install, configure and remove qulu.

  • Download the package you would like to install for your Ubuntu Linux OS.
  • Make note of the place you saved it on your computer.
  • Open the Terminal app.
  • Use the sudo dpkg -i [installer package path] terminal code to begin the installation process.
    Example: sudo dpkg -i qulu-server-    
           Example: sudo dpkg -i qulu-mediaserver- [2.6 and earlier used different file naming]
  • Enter your password to continue the installation when prompted.
  • Wait for few seconds to install and you will see "qulu-mediaserver" start/running, process XXXX complete.....


To Initialize the qulu Mediaserver

  • While on the same LAN open your qulu Desktop Client and look for the "New Server" tile.
  • Click to begin setup wizard


To Fix some dependency issue

If you face any extra struggles and your terminal says that there are some "dependency problems" please try to run the following commands:

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install -f


To uninstall or modify the configuration of the Media Server

  1. TO UNINSTALL type 
    • sudo apt-get remove qulu-mediaserver
    • sudo apt-get remove qulu-client

    • sudo dpkg-reconfigure qulu-mediaserver