VK2 IP cameras equipped with audio line-out can utilise a standard software feature to play short pre-recorded announcment files (max of 3) upload to the camera. Audio file playback can be triggered by camera inputs;

  • Motion
  • Alarm-in
  • Manual-trigger
  • Tamper
  • Timer

File format used is G.711u and Vista’s VK2-Client software contains a Windows applet to record your announcment on a Windows PC with a microphone. Freeware utilities may also allow conversion from .wav file.

Note: Audio file playback and control is simply performed autonomously and locally on\by the camera and not in conjunction with your Viper NVR etc. However, by “doubling-up” the setting we show you below, a simaltaneous “Alarm Out” can be sent from the camera to your Viper NVR


We assume your Vista VK2 IP camera and audio path\amp\sounder are already correctly installed and tested.

First, download the Vista VK2 ARecorder applet to your Windows PC and record your announcement file;

  • Open web browser and visit the link below;

  • Copy the three files to a folder on your PC; for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Arecorder

  • Click and run the file ARecorder.exe (below)

  • The applet will now open.

Fig 1.

Fig 2.

  • Click red [Record] button and record your message – click black stop button to stop.

  • Click the play > button to check your message via the PCs speakers – or plug in headphones

  • If happy with your recording, click the Save button to save to your PC using the default settings (fig 3.).

Fig 4.

Fig 3.

Now upload audio files to the camera as well as create an Event-In and corresponding Event-out mapping;

  • Web browse to the VK2 camera and login as Admin

  • Click menus Audio > Basic, click to enable [Audio Output] and full duplex - note volume slider (fig 4.)

  • Click menu options Event > Event Out > Audio Alert.

  • Select [Enable Audio Alert], click [Browse] and select and upload the audio file you created.

  • Click [Save] then [Test] – confirm you have audio output. Adjust output level if needed (fig 4.).

Next, automate playback of the announcement file when a chosen input is triggered;

  • In the cameras menu; select Event > Event In then select your choice to trigger the announcement.

  • Use the resulting dialogue box to configure your chosen Event In parameters, click [Save]

  • Click camera menus Event > Event Map then click [Add]

  • Complete dialogue box as required (example fig 5. shows Motion as Event In trigger.) Click [ok] and test.

Connect your audio hardware to the Phoenix connector above – SPK and Gnd

Fig 5.

Fig 6.