The following information shows how to set up Luminite Wireless IP masthead to a Smart device

Notes: It is assumed that the person carrying out this work is familiar with the Smart range of products (hardware / software) and the Luminite wireless detection equipment.

Luminite have carried out development work to enable the interface of their ‘wireless receiver’ module (the LGIP MT434 Masthead Receiver) directly to the Smart range of transmitters/DVRs.

The Luminite ‘wireless receiver’ module connects directly to the serial port of the Smart device with a simple RS232 connection and enables the connection of 25 Luminite Wireless PIR’s (and their associated tampers) without the need for the ALM50R. The wireless receiver mimics the ALM50R and enables the alarms to be configured as if there were an ALM50R connected.

Configuration Information (Masthead receiver)

To access the Masthead receiver:

1. Connect an Ethernet cable into the IP-Masthead and the other end into your router.

2. Switch-on the power supply to the IP-Masthead.

The green LED on the RJ45 socket should come on within few seconds to indicate physical link to the router/switch.

3. Wait about 10 seconds to give some time for it to obtain an IP address via DHCP.

4. Start the Luminite configuration utility, MHIPconfig.exe on your PC.

5. Click on the button “Discover Masthead on LAN”. The following dialog should appear:

If the IP-Masthead has been found, then it is indicated like this:

If no masthead has been found, please refer to the manual MHIPconfig_guide.pdf (maybe the router is not assigning IP addresses automatically?).

6. When the IP-Masthead has been discovered, click the OK button.

7. Click the ‘Make Connection’ button. The connection indicator should change from grey “NOT CONNECTED” to green “CONNECTED” within a few seconds.

8. It is now very important to click the ‘Read Configuration from EEPROM’ button.

The program reads the current state of all implemented configuration parameters from non-volatile memory (EEPROM and Flash). All controls (edit-boxes, check-boxes, radio-buttons) organized under tabs

Tab #2 “Configuration: IP”

Tab #3 “Configuration: Interface”

Tab #4 “Configuration: Emails”

Tab #5 “Configuration: Panasonic”

are updated with the values read.

9. Adjust the IP address of the IP-Masthead using tab 2. to suit your installation.

Masthead Setup (relevant to Smart)

10. Select tab 3. ‘Configuration: Interface’ and set the ‘Interface Type’ to 3=HeiTel RS232

11. Ensure ‘Alarm Parameters’ are set to DTB

12. When you’ve finished making changes, the values must be written back to non-volatile memories (EEPROM and Flash). You must click on the “Write Configuration to EEPROM” button.

13. Finally you must click on the “Reset & Reboot” button.  This doesn’t actually reset the device, but causes it to reboot (necessary to read the new values).

Connection to the Smart Device

Connect the three wires as shown below.

Configuring the Smart Device

Connect to the Smart device (either using an Ethernet crossover cable or the USB cable provided).

Enter ‘Setup’; select ‘Serial channel’ and configure the baud rate to ‘19200’ and the ‘Function’ to ‘Serial Control’ as shown in the screen shot below.

Save the setting and hang up the connection to the Smart device.

Wait 60 seconds or so, then reconnect. After a brief pause enter Setup and you should see a new entry called ‘CI Adapter’ as shown below.

Inputs 1 to 25 of the ‘CI Adapter’ relate to the alarms from PIR’s address 1 to 25.

Inputs 26 to 50 of the ‘CI Adapter’ are the tamper alarms for PIR’s 1 to 25 respectively.

You can now configure each of the 25 PIR’s to select whatever camera you require to be selected on alarm. For PTZ domes you can also select which preset you would like the dome to move to.

Inputs 26 to 50 are the tamper alarms for PIR zones address 1 to 25 respectively.  These should be configured to ‘Fire/Panic’ (to ensure the tamper alarms are sent to the monitoring centre irrespective of whether the device is armed or disarmed).