This guide provides details how to Log-in / Log-out and closing the software program.
- Double click on the Application short cut. [This will normally be on the Desktop] If not select via the Windows Programs Tree.
- Or " Start > All Programs > VIPER-Central > VIPER-Central "
- Log-in pop-up will be displayed.
- Enter Login ID and Password then left click "Log-in" button.
- Note : System Preference and Set up depends on the Log-in User’s Authority
Move mouse to top left corner left click VIPER icon.
- Then left click "Log-out"
- Message pop-up box will be displayed enter ID and Password to confirm Log-out.
- Then left click "Log-out" Log-in screen will be displayed.
To Exit/Close the Software Program
- Move mouse and left click "X" in top right corner of screen.
- Message pop-up box will be displayed to confirm "Shut-Down" of the software program, left click "Yes" to close program.
This completes the guide.