The following Procedure explains how to set up and configure the VIPER DVRs & NVRs to send email on an event via the Web Interface.
Note. There are slight differences between the menus when using the Web Interface & Local Setup. (See relevant procedure)
E-mails can be triggered by the following events
- Alarm-In (Fig 1.)
- Motion Detection
- Video-loss (Fig 2.)
- System Events (Fig 3.)
- System Restart
- User Login
- Record Transaction
- Disk Events (Fig 4.)
- Disk Unplugged
- Disk Full
- S.M.A.R.T Fault
Fig 1. | Fig 2. | Fig 3. | Fig 4. |
In this procedure we have used “Motion” as an event; the process is similar for all events listed above. {See user manual for more information}
It is assumed the VIPER has already been configured and recording. A Network connection to a Router has been setup.
- Web Interface to set up “Open web browser Type IP Address of device” (IE or Chrome are recommended)
- Login in via Admin account, then select “Setup”
- Go to “Record tab” select required channels to record on event Alarm & Motion
- In the schedule below channel 1 is set to Continuous + Motion + Alarm (Fig 5.)
- The Schedule can be copied to “All CH” if required (Fig 6.)
- Once done Click Save
Fig 5. | Fig 6. |
- Go to “Event tab” select Motion > Setup to configure actions triggered via “Motion” (Fig 7.)
- Select the CH or CH’s that will be used to trigger the required action
- If a local notification is required enable “Beep” {none, 5sec up to 1hr}
Fig 7. | Fig 8. | Fig 9. |
- Click on “Motion Region” [Fig8] to adjust Motion areas and Sensitivity associated to the channel if required then click Save, red grid is active area. By default channels are set to “All” (Fig 9.)
- Go back to “Setup” tab Click on “Alarm, Record, Noti or Preset” on the required channel (Fig 10.)
- Select E-mail then click OK
- Select Schedule configure Motion schedule once setup click Save (Fig 11.)
Fig 10. | Fig 11. |
- Select Notification > Schedule Select remote action required
- Configure Schedule then apply. Options None, E-Mail, Push (Mobile), FTP or combination (Fig 12.)
- Dwell time between events, Options are 5sec up to 1hr (Fig 13.) Recommend setting to 1min (Default) unless using private email server
- Click Save when done
Fig 12. | Fig 13. |
Remote Notifications Setup
The VIPER can be configured to send an E-mail or a Push Notification to Mobile. {See separate Procedure} This process assumes you have configured a network connection to a router.
- Go to “Network tab” select “E-Mail” then set up email server account details (Fig 14.)
- Server Type - Select type of email sever
- Server address and Port
- Image Attach “click” JPG if require a snapshot of the trigger to be attached to the email (Motion or Alarm)
- Authentication/Protocol – Most email servers require this
- Tick Use and select TLS/SSL
- Enter ID and Password if using “Authentication”
- If Authentication is not required leave unticked (Fig 15.)
- Enter “Sender” details normally this is the same as the ID
- Enter “Receiver” details this is who you want the email to be sent to
- Once set up click Save.
Fig 14. | Fig 15. |
This completes the procedure.