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Initial units of PVM10CAMN may cause display of an alert (right) when the DeviceFinder.exe utility is first run on later Windows 10 PCs, or when using Microsoft Edge as a browser to connect to the PVM direct.


The alert is due to a non-Vista “standard” security certificate initially shipping with units. The certificate is, however, still secure, valid and trusted – validation details below;  


Current Certificate: Issued to: Lofty Tech Co Ltd. By: Global Sign GCC R45 CodeSign CA2020


Please simply follow the steps to acknowledge the alert for these applications to continue working normally.



NOTE: It is not recommended to globally disable Smartscreen or it’s alerts on your PC!



Later firmware and software will include the correct Norbain Extended Validation (EV) certificate to prevent the alert. 



  • Once downloaded and unzipped to your PC\laptop – right-click DeviceFinder.exe and select “Run as Administrator” (right)
  • Either click [Yes] to accept DeviceFinder – or if prompted, enter your PCs administrator login ID and password if not already logged in as administrator


  • When receiving the protection prompt (below left) – click “More info”.
  • Confirm the Lofty Technology Co Ltd Publisher is correct (below right), click [Run anyway]


DeviceFinder applet will now run.



For compatibility reasons, IE is suggested

  • In the chosen browser bar enter the PVM10CAMNs IP address (example below)


  • Internet Explorer will prompt to add the IPCView2015 plug-in (below) – click [install] and enter the PCs admin ID and password if prompted. 

  • EDGE will prompt for the VLC utility in order to view video – click [OK] to accept.

You should now have access to the PVM10CAMN live image and menus


This ends the procedure.