This document will describe the process how to set initial Config and uploading Logos on the PVM10CAMN monitor.

To be able to add/change the Logos and settings, you must be able to access the monitor’s web page.

IP Address setting

Please download “Device Finder”, this program detects and discovers any PVM10CAMx Monitor on the network and allows simple IP address setting as well as simple access to the monitors web page. PVMCAM Device Finder can be found on following link:


Fig 1
 Fig 2

Device Finder will identify any PVMCAM on the network and shows it IP address. [Fig 1]

The PVM10CAMx monitors are set to DHCP, so will be allocated a DHCP address if this facility is available on the network, if need to change the Network setting this can be done by selecting the required monitor enter “Username & Password” [admin / admin] then select “Settings” here you can “Adjust the Network Settings” [Fig 2]

If there is no DHCP service on the network, the units will default to address To change the address, use the above procedure. (Note: the Laptop/PC must be in the same Network segment: 192.168.30……)

Changing Logos


The PVM10CAMx monitor is set as default to be installed in Portrait mode with the camera on the left-hand side of the monitor with a Vista Logo preloaded.


This logo can be changed to display any logo or image. This new logo or image needs to be a Jpeg image of resolution 1080 x 1920 Portrait or 1920 x 1080 Landscape. [File size should be smaller than 1.5MB]

(Note: Vista can assist with creating new logo files)

Once the IP address of the monitor is set, Under Device Info is the URL to browse to the Web Interface.

Fig 3
Fig 4
Fig 5

Click on the monitor URL to open the web page [Fig 3] 

! Important: - ensure the default browser used is Internet Explorer

Enter Username & Password [Fig 4] Once logged in a “message will be displayed advising to change admin password” Change if required or click OK [Fig 5] The main webpage will appear as shown below [Fig 6]

Fig 6
Fig 7




Select the Config Icon, then PVM [Fig 7] (The majority of the settings are done here)

Logo Setting page is loaded > this is where you can upload the Logo’s of your choice. Select “Logo file 1 > Choose File” and browse to Logo’s Select “01-01.jpg” then load any logo’s if required as per [Fig 9] then select “Upload” on all 4x logo’s [Fig 8], Once done “Logo List” should look like [Fig 9]

Fig 8
Fig 9 



Next add any “Warning Message” if required below. [Max 23x Characters]

Once done select Apply.

Now using the IR Remote press Menu > Select PVM Function 

  • Turn Display Message            >  Off/On as required
  • Logo Display Mode                 >  As required Logo or Sequence
  • Sequence Dwell                      >  Set Dwell required

Exit Menu > Select Setup Menu > then Camera Settings

  • Set Date & Time Setting
  • Set Motion Duration

Exit when done, this completes the procedure.

For a full description of all the PVM10CAMx functions, please refer the main manual.