qulu Video Management System



Release Notes     



  • DO NOT UGPRADE SYSTEMS USING THE PAXTON INTEGRATION TO THIS RELEASE . This release does not support Paxton integration. A subsequent build will be made available for Paxton users.

  • Lite Client Support has been removed from Q Server [HDMI Output]


    • In-Camera Analytics Support - Users can now use in-camera analytics events when creating rules in the rules engine for Axis, Digital Watchdog, and Hikvision cameras.
    • Enhanced Export - a completely redesigned video export with the ability to burn in watermark logos during export.
    • Export Bookmarks from Timeline - a button has been added to allow users to export bookmarks directly from the Timeline.
    • Custom Camera Logical ID - Users can assign a custom Logical ID in the Camera Settings dialog to create an alias for the Camera ID in server API calls.
    • Archive Integrity Check - Users will receive a notification when viewing any archive which has been modified manually (files moved or deleted in storage archive).
    • Contextual Help Revamp - A fully revamped version of the help manual.
    • Bitrate Throttling - Added the ability to adjust bitrate (fine tuning) for Axis, Acti, Hanwha, Hikvision, and ONVIF devices.
    • Device support added for:
      • Axis Q6214, M5054, D2050, Q6124, M5054, D2050, P1367, P1368, F40-Q1765,  XF60-Q1765, P40-Q1765, F34, FA54, M5525, Q8742, P1275, Q8741, FA1105, FA4115, P1245, P1265, F1004, M3048, F8804, P3375, F4005, F1025, F1005, Q3517, Q8685, P3374, FA1125, F1015, F1035, Q3504, Q8642, Q8641, XF60-Q2901, XP40-Q1942, XF40-Q2901,P1447, Q3515, P1447, Q3515, M5065, M3058, M3015, P1290, Q6125, M3057, Q1645, Q1647, M5055, M3016, P1280,P1448.
      • Axis F44 encoder
      • Arecont Vision AV08ZMD-300,AV02CID-100,AV05CID-100, AV02CMB-100, AV05CMB-100, AV02CLB-100, AV05CLB-100, AV02CLD-100, AV05CLD-100, AV08CPD-118, AV20CPD-118
      • Hikvision DS-7216, DS-2DF6223-CX
      • Hikvision 6704 encoder
    • 2-Way Audio support for:
      • ONVIF devices
      • Sony SNC-CX600,SNC-VM600, SNC-VM630, SNC-VM641, SNC-VB632, SNC-VB642, SNC-WR632, SNC-WR602, SNC-WR630, SNC-EM641
      • Hikvision cameras with firmware 5.3 and newer
    • Advanced PTZ support for:
      • UNIVIEW IPC6253SR-X33
      • Securicorp SCL-SDM03MVIR-WD3533X
      • Hikvision DS-2DF8436IX-AELW, DS-2DF8236IZ-AEL, DS-2DE4220W, DS-2DE4220IW, DS-2DE7330IW-AE,DS-2DP1636ZIX-D/236
      • Vista VK2-HD30-PM
    • Analog Encoder License support for:
      • Acti V23
      • UNIVEW NVR302-16S-P16NVR302-08S-P8
      • Sony SNT-EX104, SNT-EX154, SNT-EP154
      • Dahua DHI-HCVR7108H-V2, DHI-HCVR7108H-S2
      • Siqura EVE FOUR
      • Hikvision DS-6708
    • Input/Output fixes for:
      • Hikvision DS-2DE4A220IW-DE, DS-2CD2522FWD,DS-2CD2142FWD and OEM versions, DS-6716, DS-6708
    • Ability to change image resolution and adjust bitrate (fine tuning) for:
      • Axis
      • Acti
      • Hikvision
      • ONVIF cameras
    • G.726 audio playback support.
    • G.726 and G.711 audio export to mp4 support.
    • FPS limit increased to 10 for Arecont Vision AV12275 and AV12276 cameras.
    • Redesigned video export.
    • Vulnerability fixes.
    • EULA fixes in Windows installer and server web page.
    • If EULA is updated, it is shown once on client launch and needs to be accepted.
    • Comprehensive user manual updates.
    • Added ability to import missing archive video from Lilin cameras internal storage.
    • Cloud Beta warning has been removed from the System Administration dialog.
    • Events are split into groups in the Event Rules dialog.
    • Added a context menu to all local system tiles on the Welcome page.
    • Improved timeline behavior when motion search is activated.
    • Separate "Web page" tab in "Camera Settings/Advanced" dialog.
    • Database backup performed automatically prior to merging systems.
    • If multiple cameras do not support chosen event, warning message is displayed.
    • "Export bookmark" button added to timeline.
    • Improved support for multi-sensor cameras (by UI and license).
    • Screen recording is disabled for users without Export Archive permission.
    • Checkbox “Launch video wall when Windows starts” is set by default now.
    • "Do HTTP Request" action improvements: multiple methods are supported (POST, GET, DELETE, PUT).
    • USB storage support. USB storage is not enabled by default but can be enabled with a parameter in config file.
    • ONVIF is automatically enabled for Hikvision cameras with firmware 5.5 and newer.
    • Increased default secondary stream quality.
    • "Do HTTP Request" action improvements: user can now specify request and authorization type manually.
    • "Make showreel" was moved to the separate block between "Save Layout As" and "Delete" in the context menu.
    • Timemaker behavior improvements: movements are more predictable.
    • Playback state, speed, position, and rotation are now saved when a camera is opened in a new tab.
    • Added default camera sorting in "Add Camera" dialog.
    • Changed text on "Time synchronization" tab.
    • Increased default FPS in "Camera Settings/Recording".
    • Increased Max Days maximum value in "Camera Settings/Recording”.
    • Adaptive Scaling improvements.
    • Image quality (High/Low) can be forced and saved separately for any video in layout.
    • Compression factors for Arecont Vision are tuned. FPS counter should be just as configured in Camera Settings.
    • Audio output over RTSP support for Digital Watchdog cameras.
    • "Camera recording" action in Event Rules now has 9999 seconds limit instead of 3600.
    • Desktop Client now shows a warning if user is trying to record to a removable drive (USB).
    • Improved context help.
    • ”Local files” are no longer automatically expanded in the Resource Tree.
    • An administrator fetched by LDAP can now modify LDAP settings and fetch users.
    • Added Ukrainian language.
    • "Delete layout tour" is renamed to "Delete Showreel".
    • "Showreel cycle" is renamed to "Tour Cycle".
    • Improved timeline on Web Client for retina displays.
    • Improved marker fade animation when timeline panel is hidden.
    • Memory leaks in the client on Mac OS High Sierra. Fixed.
    • Several interface windows were always "on top" in Mac OS X. Fixed.
    • "User Settings" window appeared below "System Administration" dialog in Mac OS X. Fixed.
    • Mouse cursor hover stops working in some cases. Fixed.
    • Incorrect message if "Show bookmarks" is enabled. Fixed.
    • Animation of the time marker for NOV files is not smooth. Fixed.
    • Server did not initialize properly If a large storage drive was mounted to server directory. Fixed.
    • Analytics events did not function as expected for some Hikvision cameras. Fixed.
    • Some customers were not able to launch desktop client after in-client update. Fixed.
    • Italian language icon was missing in the Local Settings Dialog. Fixed.
    • Cloud connectivity issues on ARM devices. Fixed.
    • System time was shown in UTC instead of correct time zone. Fixed.
    • Incorrect timeline in multi-video export. Fixed.
    • License key was truncated in "System Administration/Licenses". Fixed.
    • Calendar showed incorrect date if client and server dates were different. Fixed.
    • It was possible to change the password for a particular channel on multi-channel devices. Fixed.
    • Links to the video were added to "Input event" email for a camera without recording. Fixed.
    • Scene went upside down if client switched to window mode and Resource Tree was resized from maximum to minimum. Fixed.
    • "The pipe is being closed" issue while upgrading through the installer. Fixed.
    • Manual activation link was unclickable in“System Administration/Licenses/Manual Activation”. Fixed
    • PTZ button might not appear if camera switched from "Unauthorized" to "Online" state. Fixed.
    • Timeline was translated incorrectly in some languages. Fixed.
    • Sometimes it took about 2 minutes to switch timeline to server time mode. Fixed.
    • Layout was duplicated in Resource Tree when overwriting an existing layout. Fixed.
    • HTML bookmark description was shown as plain text. Fixed.
    • "Recording" indicator disappeared from camera panel after switching from archive to live mode. Fixed.
    • Full screen archive playback caused high network usage for a long time. Fixed.
    • "Enable audio" option was available for Axis cameras without audio support. Fixed.
    • Local drivers disappeared from Storage Management dialog or got disabled after Media Server restart. Fixed.
    • Failover priority worked improperly. Fixed.
    • Sanyo cameras RTSP stream did not work. Fixed.
    • Server sometimes responded “401” to API calls with proper authorization data. Fixed.
    • Multi-sensor Hikvision cameras were added as a single sensor. Fixed.
    • Server sent HTTP requests to cameras during failover even when cameras had been removed from the System. Fixed.
    • Network storage drive could be initialized first, which was slow. Local Drives are now always initialized first, which is fast, so recording starts quickly no matter what.
    • UDP multicast stream recording could stop after some time although live view was ok. Fixed.
    • "No Signal" error for Hikvision 2CD6362F-I. Fixed.
    • RTSP streams from VLC as RTSP server could not be viewed in client. Fixed.
    • Connectivity issues with Axis cameras opened in Web Client from Cloud Admin interface. Fixed.
    • DTV cameras caused severe memory leaks in Media Server. Fixed.
    • Cameras added as generic RTSP links reappeared instantly after removal. Fixed.
    • "Offline" tiles could not be removed from the welcome screen. Fixed.
    • Server added only a single stream from Axis Q6000. Now all four sensors can be added.
    • Archive backup bandwidth limit did not work for local drives. Fixed.
    • Server failed to add NAS with domains specified in username. Fixed.
    • Video wall improperly detected screen geometry if more than six displays were attached. Fixed.
    • Audit trail did not log unsuccessful login attempts. Fixed.
    • In multi-server systems, camera could be recorded to several servers simultaneously. Fixed.
    • Server did not add Axis P3707 camera after a successful search. Fixed.
    • Single and multi-sensor cameras played asynchronously. Fixed.
    • Different UI and user manual translation issues. Fixed.
    • Client sometimes stuck when several clients were open. Fixed.
    • Uniview DVS4116 auto-discovered information was incorrect. Fixed.
    • Axis horn speaker failed to work after upgrade to 3.1. Fixed.
    • Local time synchronization might misbehave if CPU clocks were imprecise. Fixed.
    • Multi-channel cameras had incorrect resolution in "Information" overlay in 2x2 mode. Fixed.
    • No audio from Acti cameras of AB2L platform. Fixed.
    • Dahua DH-SD22404T-GN PTZ did not follow in-client joystick commands. Fixed.
    • Dragging zoom window between ultra-widescreen and normal camera caused aspect ratio misbehavior. Fixed.
    • Sound from some cameras was played back with distortion on high frequencies. Fixed.
    • If camera was manually added and camera IP was changed after that, camera IP was not adjusted after new manual search. Fixed.
    • Various server and client crashes fixed.
    • Slight API documentation fixes.
    • Windows 7
    • Windows 8
    • Windows 8.1
    • Windows 10
    • Windows Server 2008
    • Windows Server 2008 R2
    • Windows Server 2012
    • Windows Server 2012 R2
    • Windows Server 2016 v1607
    • Windows 10 Enterprise
    • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
    • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
    • OSX 10.11: "El Capitan"
    • OSX 10.12: "Sierra"
    • OSX 10.13: "High Sierra"
    • Axis analytics. If Axis People Counter is enabled on Axis camera, auto and manual discovery don't work in software. Camera issue.
    • Recorded G.726 audio with 16 Kbit bitrate is not played in archive.
    • Export H.265 to .avi is not supported.
    • Lite Client Support Removed on Q Server [HDMI Output]