All qulu licenses, when activated, are locked to the Hardware ID (HWID) of the corresponding computer device were the server application has been installed.
What is a Hardware ID (HWID)?
The HWID is a unique 34-digit identifier (example:03000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f) generated when the qulu Media Server is installed on a Windows, Ubuntu Linux, or ARM device. The HWID is based on a combination of software and hardware of the computing device where qulu is installed.
The following items are used to generate a unique HWID for each computer where qulu is installed:
- Motherboard
- MAC Address
After installing qulu on a server any modification in the components above will result in a change of HWID and an invalidation of licenses attached to that device.
How do I find my HWID?
1. Launch the qulu desktop client.
- The qulu desktop client is required - mobile or web clients do not have the ability to located licensing information.
2. Go to System Administration
- In the desktop client from the Main Menu ( ≡ ) select System Administration.
3. Select the License Tab
- Select the Licenses tab on the System Administration dialog.
4. Highlight a License installed on Your Target Server.
- Select a license attached to the server for which you want to see the HWID and License Details.
- Click the Details button.
- You should now see a dialog that shows the License Type, License Key, and Hardware ID.
- To copy the license information (including the HWID) press the Copy to Clipboard button.
This information can then be copied to Note Pad or Word Document for future reference.
The example below shows the Type > Time, License key, Hardware ID & Number of Streams
License Type: Time
License Key: QDGT-MI52-F2PC-1LJE
Locked to Hardware ID: 05f40308c1a78eed0664f585d0321fbff3
Archive Streams Allowed:: 4